Fellowship Hall Rentals
Gethsemane Church Fellowship Hall Committee
February 2017
Fellowship Hall Use
The Church Fellowship Hall (hereinafter referred to as Hall), will be used for all Church-related functions such as Christian Education classes and post-service brunches and pot-luck dinners, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation classes, etc.
The Hall may also be used for Christian outreach activities and congregational member-related events (such as birthday, anniversary, wedding, and funeral receptions) provided that the Fellowship Hall Use Criteria is met.
Fellowship Hall Use Criteria
The Hall may be used under the following circumstances provided that the Gethsemane Church Fellowship Hall Guidelines are followed.
The Hall is available for use by individuals who are members of Gethsemane Lutheran Church. Although there is no fee for the hall use, a $50.00 donation is suggested to offset the cost of electricity, air conditioning, etc.
The Hall is also available for use by individuals who are not (themselves) members of Gethsemane Lutheran Church, but only when a church member sponsors them. The church member sponsor would assume full responsibility for the Hall use and must be present during the entire event. We suggest a $100.00 per hour fee would be reasonable to offset Hall expenses. The hours will begin when the Hall keys are picked up from the Fellowship Hall Coordinator, and will end once the keys have been returned. A $100.00 deposit will be required when the event is scheduled and will be returned provided that the Hall is properly cleaned and no damages have occurred to the Hall facility.
Fellowship Hall Scheduling Priorities
All church related functions (such as Christian Worship and Education activities, church pot-luck meals, Vacation Bible School, Confirmation classes, etc.) will receive first priority.
Events associated with church members will receive second priority.
Events associated with non-church members (but having a church member sponsor the event) will receive third priority status.
Fellowship Hall Coordinator
The Fellowship Hall Coordinator will be the point of contact for all scheduling. The coordinator will inform Pastor (and church cleaners who may be scheduled that particular week, of the date, time, and type of event that would be scheduled. The Coordinator will also provide the Church council with a quarterly summary of the number of requests to use the hall, type of requests, and number of events actually scheduled.
Gethsemane Church Fellowship Hall
Rules for Hall Use
February 2017
1. All events must be scheduled with the Fellowship Hall Coordinator.
2. In the event of a scheduling conflict, Gethsemane Lutheran Church functions will ALWAYS take precedence.
i.e. a funeral…
3. The sponsoring church member should pick up the key from the Fellowship Hall Coordinator and return it immediately after the event.
4. A $100.00 deposit will be required for Hall use by individuals who are not (themselves) members of the church. Use of the Hall must be scheduled by the sponsoring church member. The deposit will be returned to the depositor provided that the facility is properly cleaned and provided there is no damage to the facility.
5. The sponsoring church member must be present the entire time of the event.
6. Alcohol is not allowed on the premises.
7. The sanctuary and hall doors must remain locked. Use of Fellowship Hall lavatories only.
8. The sponsoring church member is responsible for approving the condition of the hall once the event is over, and is responsible for reporting and retaining deposit money for any damages that may have occurred.
9. The entire Hall must be cleaned after the event including:
• Sweeping and mopping the floor (and removing all scuff marks)
• Cleaning the bathrooms
• Cleaning the kitchen and appliances
• Removing all trash from the premises. No trash may be left in the trash bin or in bags outside of the church or Hall.
• The Hall must be left in the same condition as it was prior to the event.
10. You must bring your own supplies including plates, plastic cutlery, cups, napkins, trash bags, paper towels, coffee, creamer, etc.
11. No food or drinks are allowed in the classrooms. Please keep the classroom doors shut.
12. The air conditioning must be set to ‘cancel’ when parties leave.
I have read and agree to abide by the rules as stated above.
Name: _______________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________
To download a printable copy of the rules, click the link below.